+ [2015-09-04T21:41:04Z] kiwiaaz sucks though
+ [2015-09-04T21:41:19Z] kiwiaaz funny to see how hard we all rely on this tool
+ [2015-09-04T21:41:36Z] kiwiaaz (you can still access it using Tor if you need it, btw)
+ [2015-09-04T21:44:07Z] Guest0 ah yea good idea
+ [2015-09-04T21:52:41Z] Guest0 seems to be working again now btw :)

message no. 110477

Posted by fission6 in #github at 2015-09-04T00:05:41Z

how come i can not add an SSH Key to my account?
+ [2015-09-05T00:24:39Z] xzcvczx anyone know how long the failed login locket lasts for?
+ [2015-09-05T00:24:49Z] xzcvczx s/locket/lock out/
+ [2015-09-05T02:07:47Z] chovy howdy
+ [2015-09-05T02:08:41Z] chovy how should i manage my github page repo? I have to build some dynamically generated files for production (ie: babel) before I push to master. Its my understanding the static site must reside in master with an index.html
+ [2015-09-05T02:09:06Z] chovy typically i build into ./dist and deploy that but i don't think that scenario will work for ghpages