+ [2016-11-20T12:44:55Z] verderon oh sorry I found support for 1.8 is dropped. I only have gems for 1.8 in my OS
+ [2016-11-20T12:46:43Z] dan- I've dealt with it on some VMs in the past, generally have found it's best to look at installing a new ruby vers instead
+ [2016-11-20T12:48:30Z] verderon I can install 2.x versions of ruby, but gems is only for 1.8. I see RubyGems as requirement :(
+ [2016-11-20T12:48:53Z] verderon oh rubygems is bundled with 1.9
+ [2016-11-20T12:49:02Z] verderon sorry for the noise... and thanks for jekyll!!

message no. 157072

Posted by verderon in #jekyll at 2016-11-20T12:38:33Z

Hello. Can you give me a hint on how to install jekyll with ruby 1.8.7? when I run gem install jekyll I get "listen requires Ruby version >= 1.9.3."
+ [2016-11-21T01:00:17Z] jury Hi! somebody can help my a bit?
+ [2016-11-21T01:01:15Z] jury I'm trying to create my own theme, so I started with "jekyll new-theme name", but now, how can I tell to Jekyll to use that theme?
+ [2016-11-21T01:02:12Z] jury I tried some things like trying to install the theme as a local gem, but I was unabled to achieve something
+ [2016-11-21T01:04:33Z] jury I don't want to use the _layout folder, I want to have all the theme in is own folder
+ [2016-11-21T01:05:37Z] miklb [[themes]]