+ [2017-01-28T18:59:05Z] alex`` but it’s aweful
+ [2017-01-28T19:00:19Z] alex`` it’s a fork of kumarcode.com
+ [2017-01-28T19:28:58Z] captn3m0 your content does seem accessible: https://alexherbo2.github.io/content/citations/bachelard/
+ [2017-01-28T19:28:59Z] jekyllrb Title: Alex (at alexherbo2.github.io)
+ [2017-01-28T19:29:30Z] captn3m0 if you're talking about the broken styling, then change your assets url, they are pointing to http instead of https somewhere

message no. 162102

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2017-01-28T11:58:35Z

Title: [Bash] ughNoob@xps:~/sites$ jekyll new blog Running bundle install in /home/ughNoob/si - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)
+ [2017-01-29T11:26:42Z] alex`` if I create /foo/bar/baz.md, are categories foo, bar ?
+ [2017-01-29T14:00:52Z] alex`` hmm…
+ [2017-01-29T14:01:05Z] alex`` some things are not clear in Jekyll
+ [2017-01-29T14:02:30Z] alex`` categor(y,ies) have not effect using config.yml defaults:
+ [2017-01-29T14:02:52Z] alex`` using permalink: /:categories/:title/