+ [2019-05-06T22:04:27Z] bensh https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
+ [2019-05-06T22:04:27Z] bensh looks like this is the original source
+ [2019-05-06T22:05:18Z] bensh hope that helped!
+ [2019-05-06T22:05:42Z] realies thanks!

message no. 172183

Posted by realies in #github at 2019-05-06T21:55:40Z

I was looking at https://camo.githubusercontent.com/f011896cab0a6e086954a10d3a5132d57ca69468/687474703a2f2f662e636c2e6c792f6974656d732f3369315a336e3154316b3339327231413351306d2f676974666c6f772d6d6f64656c2e3030312e706e67
+ [2019-05-07T05:20:36Z] dawls is it possible to use github to host a website that supports database? If yes, what database is that? sqlite or mysql or something else?
+ [2019-05-07T05:21:03Z] dawls some web development projects require a database for demonstration
+ [2019-05-07T10:48:43Z] IamTrying Is Github down? I cant git push to my private repository using NetBeans.
+ [2019-05-07T11:03:18Z] IamTrying Git push is doing very abnormal. Sometimes from terminal works but sometimes asking ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
+ [2019-05-07T11:11:46Z] crashev is anyone at github aware that it's down? ;]