+ [2019-05-22T18:46:29Z] midzer yeah, i think in your markdown it starts with ## for a heading
+ [2019-05-22T18:46:31Z] geophertz midzer: There is not to be sorry lol. TBH doing it manually isn't a problem for me
+ [2019-05-22T18:47:00Z] geophertz that's the case
+ [2019-05-22T18:48:05Z] midzer happy jekylling :)

message no. 172432

Posted by geophertz in #jekyll at 2019-05-22T18:44:22Z

midzer: okay so for the heading the solution is just to have lower level headings
+ [2019-05-24T04:13:48Z] sixfingeredamish Does anyone know how to fix issues with & not displaying correctly?
+ [2019-05-24T04:15:56Z] sixfingeredamish for example, R&D is displayed as R&D
+ [2019-05-24T11:48:33Z] supajulia Hi! Is it okay to ask for help with plugins? I managed to get jekyll-paginate-v2 working, but not like I'd want it to.
+ [2019-05-24T11:48:33Z] supajulia I have two categories on my website, "story" and "tidbit". I'd like the "Home" page to show only posts from the "tidbit" category. And to have another page "Stories" showing only posts from the "story" category.
+ [2019-05-24T11:48:34Z] supajulia Almost spent the whole morning trying to understand how to get this done, but still unsuccessful… Right now, I have "Home" showing only "story" posts when it should display "tidbit" posts instead. As for the "Stories" page, it just returns a Not Found error.