+ [2019-11-30T21:02:06Z] barque just... hanging...
+ [2019-11-30T21:17:46Z] barque is anyone here???
+ [2019-11-30T21:17:49Z] barque hello?
+ [2019-11-30T21:46:03Z] barque Nevermind, it was SourceTree stupidity X-|

message no. 176197

Posted by barque in #github at 2019-11-30T21:01:45Z

I've been trying to push a little under 100 megs of LFS data
+ [2019-12-01T15:01:45Z] Yoginth haha ????
+ [2019-12-01T22:57:57Z] AlexP11223 I got a PR with a horrible commit message, What's the best way to change it when merging?
+ [2019-12-01T23:08:39Z] holgersson AlexP11223: In case you can ask the commit'er to rephrase via "git commit --amend" and re-push, so he or she will learn it for the next time.
+ [2019-12-02T18:40:20Z] mertyildiran Hi, I have this workflow to build the Docker image https://github.com/DragonComputer/Dragonfire/blob/master/.github/workflows/docker.yml and this workflow to run the tests https://github.com/DragonComputer/Dragonfire/blob/master/.github/workflows/pythonapp.yml