+ [2019-12-12T05:25:15Z] R2robot what application?
+ [2019-12-12T05:44:29Z] einichi I'm getting this error for my Github Pages content on commit: "Your site is having problems building: The tag site on line 17 in index.html is not a recognized Liquid tag."
+ [2019-12-12T05:45:20Z] einichi Ah wait. I should probably run this by Liquid/Jekyll first before coming here... Ignore the above.
+ [2019-12-12T14:25:33Z] nindustries Hi, anyone using github deployments with Actions?
+ [2019-12-12T14:25:38Z] nindustries I don't get deployments (yet)

message no. 176374

Posted by R2robot in #github at 2019-12-12T05:25:15Z

what application?
+ [2019-12-13T09:03:03Z] sine0 on my github I have a profile, but when I commit from my computer I have another name used and I dont want it. how do I change it and where is it stored on windows
+ [2019-12-13T09:34:29Z] Soliton do you mean the commit author? set that in your git client to what you want.
+ [2019-12-13T09:37:29Z] sine0 im just using it on the command line and it is used automatically, I dont know where it is stored
+ [2019-12-13T11:58:08Z] jami Hi. I used github actions the first time to build a docker image an push it to the git docker.pkg.github.com registry. Now i want to fetch the repo registry builds over the graphql api. Is this possible? I only got a RegistryPackage object out of the api, but i need the docker tag of the images available
+ [2019-12-13T18:54:34Z] helo is it possible to set extra tags on self-hosted Actions runners?