latest 20 messages by amosbird

+ [2020-07-01T03:46:56Z] amosbird hmm, where can I find the complain about the new style of github ?
+ [2020-06-30T00:55:33Z] amosbird I don't like to create a local repo and git push
+ [2020-06-30T00:55:24Z] amosbird hmm, can I fix a github edit generated pr?
+ [2020-06-30T00:55:13Z] amosbird nedbat: ok
+ [2020-06-29T23:27:22Z] amosbird the top div should be centerend
+ [2020-06-29T23:27:10Z] amosbird
+ [2020-06-29T23:26:51Z] amosbird it's very bad
+ [2020-06-29T23:26:49Z] amosbird Hello, how can I revert back the new github style
+ [2020-06-01T00:19:37Z] amosbird so that if a pr has column width > 140 it'll generate an error
+ [2020-06-01T00:19:19Z] amosbird Hello, how can I set a column limit for pr?
+ [2020-05-31T03:32:58Z] amosbird I'd like to have 140 columns
+ [2020-05-31T03:32:53Z] amosbird is there any user script that can make the code review page wider?
+ [2020-03-21T05:43:18Z] amosbird hello, what does Merge with master — Cannot fetch mergecommit mean?
+ [2019-11-26T03:38:36Z] amosbird what's "st" short for?
+ [2019-11-26T03:38:32Z] amosbird st-discussion
+ [2019-10-18T06:19:32Z] amosbird aha,
+ [2019-10-18T06:18:51Z] amosbird Hello, does github have a pass plugin for https auto password authentication?
+ [2019-10-14T07:08:19Z] amosbird btw, why does copy-link of an issue reply not work?