latest 7 messages by fehwalker

+ [2015-02-02T00:02:39Z] fehwalker next challenge... objects in the S3 bucket are created without 'everyone' read permissions :/
+ [2015-02-02T00:01:56Z] fehwalker ok, so I just did a jekyll build and then was able to do 'octopress deploy'
+ [2015-02-01T23:47:44Z] fehwalker do I just do a jekyll build?
+ [2015-02-01T23:47:30Z] fehwalker the docs for octopress 2.0 indicate rake tasks, but octopress 3.0 doesn't seem to have them, and there's no build target for the octopress command
+ [2015-02-01T23:46:45Z] fehwalker i'm not quite sure what the intended workflow is to actually generate _site before deploying
+ [2015-02-01T23:46:03Z] fehwalker so... i'm converting my wp blog to jekyll and trying out octopress 3.0