latest 20 messages by fiord

+ [2017-06-30T20:29:46Z] fiord hey all
+ [2016-05-31T13:49:56Z] fiord Liquid is the templating syntax that Jekyll uses so yep
+ [2016-05-31T13:49:00Z] fiord
+ [2016-05-31T13:46:46Z] fiord Do you mean Liquid Drop?
+ [2016-05-16T18:49:52Z] fiord Yea, it's kramdown
+ [2016-05-11T20:58:25Z] fiord Otherwise I would start here
+ [2016-05-11T20:57:50Z] fiord Depends on how you want to approach it, but here's a JS based approach
+ [2016-05-11T18:28:08Z] fiord jaybe I ended up updating ruby, and then removing all my gems and adding them back one by one, and for some reason jekyll-assets is what's breaking my site. I remove it and things build / serve normally again
+ [2016-05-11T14:34:31Z] fiord so I may have to revisit that solution
+ [2016-05-11T14:34:25Z] fiord go ahead if you like, no worries if not though! iirc I installed mine from a ppa b/c the one in the ubuntu repos was 1.9.3 and wouldn't work with Jekyll 2+
+ [2016-05-11T14:32:40Z] fiord ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13) [x86_64-linux-gnu] here... hmmm
+ [2016-05-11T14:31:26Z] fiord I suspect it's an issue with my ruby version or one of the gems, but I'm not sure
+ [2016-05-11T14:31:10Z] fiord not at this moment, I'm working on something else at the moment, but I'll do some more troubleshooting later on and ask again if I have any more questions
+ [2016-05-11T14:30:12Z] fiord thanks for checking :)
+ [2016-05-11T14:30:05Z] fiord dang, must be something with my config then
+ [2016-05-11T14:29:00Z] fiord jaybe thank you!
+ [2016-05-11T13:59:48Z] fiord should I roll back?
+ [2016-05-11T13:59:36Z] fiord also tried bundle install
+ [2016-05-11T13:59:20Z] fiord tried gem cleanup, gem update --system, still get the same errors
+ [2016-05-11T13:58:43Z] fiord and if i run $ bundle exec jekyll serve instead, I get an error of undefined class 'map' for nil:Nilclass