latest 7 messages by geekodour08

+ [2019-06-25T01:08:11Z] geekodour08 is there a github event which triggers when new releases are added?
+ [2019-06-11T11:27:08Z] geekodour08 when using github actions beta, what's the best way to parse a comment as such: "/benchmark 0.2 ABC"?
+ [2019-05-30T11:48:51Z] geekodour08 what happens to the other PR?
+ [2019-05-30T11:48:40Z] geekodour08 what happens when two exact PRs are sent and one gets merged?
+ [2019-05-05T16:41:13Z] geekodour08 do other members see it?
+ [2019-05-05T16:41:05Z] geekodour08 what does it happen when i select private repo in an org?