latest 20 messages by Lewix

+ [2020-05-21T18:05:52Z] Lewix canton7: what do you mean by the history of the review gets muddles. rebasing does not really show what came first - it is misleading. is that why you prefer merging onto master
+ [2020-05-21T04:48:58Z] Lewix im always uncertain about that
+ [2020-05-21T04:48:52Z] Lewix why vs why not
+ [2020-05-21T04:48:47Z] Lewix merge or rebase in a team
+ [2019-07-18T21:01:49Z] Lewix git is mess up
+ [2016-07-04T14:20:23Z] Lewix $hugs to whoever find the issue
+ [2016-07-04T14:15:20Z] Lewix
+ [2016-07-04T13:46:32Z] Lewix
+ [2016-06-29T19:26:36Z] Lewix 3:18 PM
+ [2016-06-29T19:26:36Z] Lewix why is it ambigous?
+ [2016-06-29T19:26:16Z] Lewix
+ [2016-04-18T14:17:25Z] Lewix jhass: nice.
+ [2016-04-18T14:15:35Z] Lewix I had a slight interest in it while back
+ [2016-04-18T14:15:27Z] Lewix jhass: crystal? is it still in development
+ [2016-04-18T14:12:39Z] Lewix jhass: still doing ruby hey> you haven't join the bandwagon of the newest cool thing?
+ [2016-04-18T14:11:03Z] Lewix it's clear now. jhass gracias
+ [2016-04-18T14:09:48Z] Lewix weird
+ [2016-04-18T14:08:38Z] Lewix what does it show then? nothing?
+ [2016-04-18T14:08:01Z] Lewix jhass: git log commitA..commitB
+ [2016-04-18T14:06:01Z] Lewix git log will only show commit B