latest 20 messages by oprypin

+ [2020-07-16T19:29:32Z] oprypin for the latter just use the website yea what's the problem
+ [2020-07-16T19:29:19Z] oprypin or do you have it on Android from before and what to add it?
+ [2020-07-16T19:28:41Z] oprypin Industrial: so did u create an ssh key in GitHub Android app?
+ [2020-07-13T00:10:40Z] oprypin u can #anchor link to that file within a commit though
+ [2020-07-13T00:10:19Z] oprypin dvl: im not aware of such a feature
+ [2020-07-05T23:26:34Z] oprypin actually that's not right, sometimes i intentionally link to a commit of mine without intending to keep it in a branch
+ [2020-07-05T22:42:51Z] oprypin i'd also be interested in the answer for curiosity
+ [2020-07-05T20:24:20Z] oprypin Intelo, u just create an organization
+ [2020-07-04T15:03:37Z] oprypin well i manually found what i wanted, so question is mostly irrelevant
+ [2020-07-04T14:36:25Z] oprypin any way to search all pull requests touching a file path? ideally including the entire history of a PR (if it *ever* touched a path)
+ [2020-06-26T21:42:24Z] oprypin just install dependencies on all of them, will be so much faster
+ [2020-06-26T21:42:04Z] oprypin sbeyer, well the thing is how are you gonna clone the job into multiple jobs, you literally cant, that's just not a thing on windows
+ [2020-06-26T21:41:37Z] oprypin excuse me what how did i assume docker lol
+ [2020-06-26T21:09:21Z] oprypin u obviously can have all those jobs depend on the prev job but i dont know at all how pushing docker works. if it works well for u, go for it, sure
+ [2020-06-26T21:08:48Z] oprypin sbeyer, at that point just define a docker image outside of github and use it
+ [2020-06-25T18:35:07Z] oprypin yes you can
+ [2020-06-25T18:33:31Z] oprypin otherwise use the UI, go to repo main page and then click branches
+ [2020-06-25T18:33:12Z] oprypin it might be "master" or it might not. it u want a quick try, just change the URL directly from that to master
+ [2020-06-25T18:32:56Z] oprypin ok navigate to a branch then
+ [2020-06-25T18:32:05Z] oprypin ncuxo, in the URL on top you need to be seeing something like /master/ rather than /abcdef101231231200123123/