latest 4 messages by quarters

+ [2015-11-23T22:09:37Z] quarters ok. thank you
+ [2015-11-23T22:08:46Z] quarters jaybe: do you mean search for a solution on github or that github is gem/plugin used to work with jekyll to do what I'm looking to do?
+ [2015-11-23T22:07:06Z] quarters hi. I'm using octopress, which runs on jekyll and rack and I was wondering if there's a way to set up octopress, or jekyll so that I can post entries directly onto the browser
+ [2015-11-23T22:04:35Z] quarters hi. I was wondering if there's a plugin that allows you to add posts through your browser rather than typing in "rake new_post["foo"]" and then editing the post in a text editor