+ [2017-01-04T21:19:25Z] parsnip hmm, can i copy files from a hidden folder to a specified location (via jekyll)?
+ [2017-01-04T21:21:09Z] parsnip maybe with _config.yml >> include: ...
+ [2017-01-04T22:17:09Z] parsnip okay, got it, maybe it has to be `- include_dirs: _resume/output' then `{% include resume.html %}' works.
+ [2017-01-04T23:21:21Z] allejo parsnip, you can also do {% include resume/index.html %} and just create a folder called "resume" inside of _includes
+ [2017-01-05T00:43:25Z] parsnip allejo: aha, interesting, thanks

message no. 160417

Posted by parsnip in #jekyll at 2017-01-05T00:43:25Z

allejo: aha, interesting, thanks
+ [2017-01-06T07:07:27Z] travis-ci jekyll/classifier-reborn#216 The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/classifier-reborn/builds/189429889
+ [2017-01-06T19:39:01Z] parsnip does `includes_dir' have to have a unique value, or can i have a list of dirs?
+ [2017-01-06T20:42:58Z] insidious15 anyone here have experience building generator plugins?
+ [2017-01-06T21:01:12Z] insidious15 how do i access the front matter of a page from a Generator plugin?