+ [2017-04-01T23:09:54Z] Scoop7 Where in html files my liquid tags resolve to desired content
+ [2017-04-01T23:10:52Z] Scoop7 <meta name="description" content="{% if page.meta %}{{page.meta}}{% elsif page.content %}{{ page.content | strip_html | strip_newlines | truncate: 160 }}{% else %}{{ site.description }}{% endif %}">
+ [2017-04-01T23:12:32Z] Scoop7 This is the original liquid code that in php files for some reason returns an error and in html everything is ok, which puzzles me because it's only jekyll processed files with no php parsing by this end... ?
+ [2017-04-02T13:30:25Z] osfameron gah, I really do hate all the baseurl wrangling
+ [2017-04-02T13:30:38Z] osfameron especially when you also have to do it in non-liquid assets, like CSS

message no. 167102

Posted by osfameron in #jekyll at 2017-04-02T13:30:38Z

especially when you also have to do it in non-liquid assets, like CSS
+ [2017-04-03T04:37:56Z] xpman hi
+ [2017-04-03T18:47:28Z] howlinbash Hi #jekyll, I'm building a simple blog. I was thinking of separating my _posts folder from my website. I use git. Is this common are there any best practices? should i use git submodules or .gitignore strategy? any thoughts? thank you
+ [2017-04-03T18:57:38Z] chatter29 allah is doing