+ [2017-04-03T15:57:56Z] curVV keep stalling and very low speed... 5KB/s
+ [2017-04-03T19:44:57Z] wineg1111 hi all. i created my first repo. teaching a class, people did a git clone. if i add mroe material, can they do a pull? i cant fgiure out the command.
+ [2017-04-03T21:11:29Z] guardian what about using https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2 as a class companion?
+ [2017-04-03T21:50:33Z] Evidlo Is it possible to download a tarball from a specific branch?
+ [2017-04-03T21:51:25Z] Evidlo oh, nevermind

message no. 167208

Posted by Evidlo in #github at 2017-04-03T21:51:25Z

oh, nevermind
+ [2017-04-04T04:23:19Z] robertparkerx is it unusual for a initial commit to take awhile? The repo was empty. The commit is 2gb and 21,000 changes.
+ [2017-04-04T07:12:18Z] tobiasvl robertparkerx: that was a huge first commit. that will probably take a while, I dunno. never tried a giant commit such as that on a fresh repo
+ [2017-04-04T07:12:56Z] selckin do you mean push
+ [2017-04-04T07:13:26Z] tobiasvl robertparkerx: if you meant push like selckin says, then that is not unusual