+ [2017-06-29T20:23:24Z] `Kevin i think, oathtool --verbose --totp --base32 "blah"
+ [2017-06-29T20:31:32Z] Somelauw Silly question, but can I not merge a pull request (from the web) after closing it?
+ [2017-06-29T20:32:20Z] Somelauw nvm, i solved it
+ [2017-06-29T21:01:19Z] pmatulis `Kevin, thanks. where are you getting this info from?
+ [2017-06-29T21:02:13Z] `Kevin pmatulis: nowhere specific its just standard totp

message no. 169949

Posted by Somelauw in #github at 2017-06-29T20:32:20Z

nvm, i solved it
+ [2017-06-30T12:01:31Z] altendky is it possible to diff two branches on github? i do not want to view the diff that would result from a merge such as https://github.com/altendky/pysunspec/compare/master...altendky:jbm950_py2topy3
+ [2017-06-30T15:48:56Z] minot you guys, what happens to a comment like this https://github.com/secretmessage/drupal3/commit/b1fae45a06de5cc660d020d0affbcc488343678a#commitcomment-22855808 is there a way to export everything out of github?
+ [2017-06-30T17:45:23Z] dtscode hey guys... is it possible to replicate github's front page (where you see all of the activity of the people/repos you follow) through the api?
+ [2017-06-30T20:46:37Z] rostero i have three branches: feature1, feature2, and feature1+feature2. we did a pull request for feature1 into feature1+feature2. github says "merged n commits into feature1+feature2 from feature1" then at the very bottom of the list of commits i see "merge branch feature1+feature2 into feature1". what would cause that? note there was a merge conflict at some point
+ [2017-06-30T20:47:01Z] rostero that was resolved within github