+ [2019-03-13T18:31:17Z] jaybe s/_layouts/
+ [2019-03-13T19:18:29Z] calher jaybe Thanks. I only have events.html in there, though.
+ [2019-03-13T19:26:27Z] jaybe using defsult theme?
+ [2019-03-13T19:26:33Z] jaybe s/default
+ [2019-03-13T19:27:15Z] jaybe if using default gem based theme then the layouts are within the gem (minima)

message no. 170499

Posted by calher in #jekyll at 2019-03-13T17:58:39Z

Where do I get the 'post' page layout? I read that it's included by default, but my Jekyll 3.0.1 says otherwise. https://www.raymondcamden.com/2017/02/24/an-example-of-a-static-site-with-a-dynamic-calendar
+ [2019-03-15T15:39:03Z] trysten Some reason i'm derping serving jekyll anywhere but root
+ [2019-03-15T15:39:19Z] trysten How could I persuade jekyll to use relative links for things like /assets/main.css
+ [2019-03-15T16:03:17Z] jaybe —baseurl
+ [2019-03-15T16:03:32Z] jaybe jekyll serve help
+ [2019-03-15T17:09:53Z] trysten So i've got something like ProxyPass "/4000" "http://localhost:4000/"