latest 7 messages by trysten

+ [2019-03-15T17:16:08Z] trysten ProxyPass "/4000/" "http://localhost:4000/4000/"
+ [2019-03-15T17:14:51Z] trysten indeed. I actually got it working thanks to your nudge. Thank you
+ [2019-03-15T17:11:35Z] trysten Well, I mean it's not getting those requests. When I go to http://server/4000/about , the /4000 part is stripped and given to jekyll at http://localhost:4000/about
+ [2019-03-15T17:10:41Z] trysten If I set the baseurl to /4000 it doesn't work because jekyll is getting requests like http://localhost:4000/4000/about
+ [2019-03-15T17:09:53Z] trysten So i've got something like ProxyPass "/4000" "http://localhost:4000/"
+ [2019-03-15T15:39:19Z] trysten How could I persuade jekyll to use relative links for things like /assets/main.css
+ [2019-03-15T15:39:03Z] trysten Some reason i'm derping serving jekyll anywhere but root