+ [2019-12-15T20:14:59Z] Swahili forget it, I was using sudo git clone, the parent dir had the wrong permissions:P
+ [2019-12-16T02:23:26Z] squirrel hello, can i have redirects in githib wiki?
+ [2019-12-16T08:36:51Z] b1tninja is there some way I can send mail as / from my github reply address, to match my commits
+ [2019-12-16T08:38:08Z] b1tninja or is there a git send-email equivalent / alternative to a pull request

message no. 176398

Posted by b1tninja in #github at 2019-12-16T08:36:51Z

is there some way I can send mail as / from my github reply address, to match my commits
+ [2020-01-14T13:36:08Z] faLUCE R2robot: not a good solution. I don't want to link propietary services (like youtube/vimeo etc.). The project is GPL
+ [2020-01-14T14:00:45Z] fission6 i am experiencing some issue where when I create a PR its showing 28 files in the diff and has a few extra files I wasn't expecting, the local diff shows everything correctly -- whats the deal, is github doing something odd with diffs
+ [2020-01-14T14:26:39Z] R2robot linking to youtube is not a violation of the GPL. lol
+ [2020-01-14T14:30:43Z] R2robot fission6: is your local repo up to date with the remote?
+ [2020-01-14T15:47:57Z] tona hello everyone, is there one way to retrieve from user_id in github using SSO, is there one api where I could get that info :)