latest 20 messages by Ademan

+ [2020-03-15T21:09:04Z] Ademan ah well that'll work, thanks
+ [2020-03-15T21:07:29Z] Ademan unfortunately all of my searching for "github markdown" has a really bad signal to noise ratio
+ [2020-03-15T21:07:01Z] Ademan minimally, a table cell
+ [2020-03-15T21:06:49Z] Ademan Is there a way to style table rows in github markdown? (I want to color code rows red/green)
+ [2016-10-08T21:53:10Z] Ademan a symlink might be a huge improvement though, not certain if that'll fly on github pages (is git aware of symlinks?) but it's worth a shot
+ [2016-10-08T21:52:31Z] Ademan osfameron: hrm that's a very interesting idea, thanks. For the moment I've semi-required duplication, each translated page is a stub with front matter declaring the language, and an include_relative to the "base" page... seems like it'll work but I haven't fleshed it out completely yet
+ [2016-10-08T20:14:06Z] Ademan basically foo.html/ -> foo.en.html,, ...
+ [2016-10-08T20:13:46Z] Ademan Is it possible to generate multiple pages from a single page? Maybe using collections? I'm specifically trying to build a workable i18n solution that doesn't require duplicating each page, and that works on github pages, so that's extremely restrictive.
+ [2015-06-15T18:37:03Z] Ademan It's not a big deal I was just curious
+ [2015-06-15T18:36:34Z] Ademan Dougie187: the "N Clones" dropped so I assume it's the weekly total (although it's not exactly equal to what I see on the graph either...)
+ [2015-06-15T18:35:05Z] Ademan Dougie187: that's how I know I get a few clones a week, I don't see any total statistics there though
+ [2015-06-15T18:33:00Z] Ademan Is it possible to get "all time" clone stats for your repositories? I get a few clones a week, so I was curious what the total number of clones was
+ [2015-04-20T18:12:25Z] Ademan thanks milki
+ [2015-04-20T17:19:42Z] Ademan just to be perfectly clear
+ [2015-04-20T17:19:39Z] Ademan s/force update my PR branch/force push to my PR branch/
+ [2015-04-20T17:17:48Z] Ademan So, annoyingly, a conflicting PR was merged before mine, and my PR needed to be rebased against master. I've done that, except I just realized now my branch has no shared commits with my original PR (so I can't FF). Should I open a new PR? Can I force update my PR branch to the new rebased branch without screwing everything up?
+ [2015-04-17T12:08:22Z] Ademan By not pushing the dirty history to github I basically ensure I'm working in a vacuum on my feature branch, which may or may not be good I suppose. Of course the right answer is probably to push my feature branch to github but ONLY after already squashing the commits. I usually try to squash commits into a logical entity anyways though, which approximately corresponds to finishing a feature anyways...
+ [2015-04-17T12:05:46Z] Ademan s/and merging it/and merge it/
+ [2015-04-17T12:04:35Z] Ademan Does anyone have an opinion on whether or not it's good or bad to have a feature branch "published" on github, with fairly dirty history, and then to squash that and merging it into master? That's basically my workflow, only currently, I try to ensure commits I plan to squash are never visible to others.
+ [2014-12-22T01:38:36Z] Ademan yay