latest 20 messages by Ch3ck_

+ [2017-01-15T11:17:40Z] Ch3ck_ But here is it:
+ [2017-01-15T11:17:29Z] Ch3ck_ I don't know for sure
+ [2017-01-15T11:17:21Z] Ch3ck_ I don't seem to find any documentation on how to authenticate or make a connection with this tool online. I guess I'm to check out github's API instead?
+ [2017-01-15T11:16:53Z] Ch3ck_ There's this tool hosted on and I"m developing a plugin for this tool.
+ [2016-12-12T18:19:06Z] Ch3ck_ Seems like I have an issue with my gulpfile
+ [2016-12-12T18:18:58Z] Ch3ck_ I have an issue generating the electron build for windows
+ [2016-12-12T18:18:48Z] Ch3ck_ ?
+ [2016-12-12T18:18:46Z] Ch3ck_ what's the IRC channel for the electron framework
+ [2016-12-07T18:39:45Z] Ch3ck_ that works
+ [2016-12-07T18:39:42Z] Ch3ck_ Yeah, Dougie187 I think the easiest workaround will be to use https auth with github
+ [2016-12-07T18:36:39Z] Ch3ck_ Dougie187, I still have the sam issue
+ [2016-12-07T18:32:22Z] Ch3ck_ Dougie187, I know. I'm just looking for a workaround
+ [2016-12-07T18:30:50Z] Ch3ck_ what's the meaning of this error: packet_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe
+ [2015-08-14T08:39:27Z] Ch3ck_ thanks canton7
+ [2015-08-14T08:30:16Z] Ch3ck_ Like notifications for every commit and notified on the channel
+ [2015-08-14T08:30:01Z] Ch3ck_ How do you link a github repo to an irc channel? Any ideas?
+ [2015-05-15T12:53:46Z] Ch3ck_ I know they're mostly JS? not *sure* tho ;)
+ [2015-05-15T12:52:49Z] Ch3ck_ d3r1ck: i don't think their projects are in C
+ [2015-03-27T17:10:28Z] Ch3ck_ this is not happening :(
+ [2015-03-27T17:09:02Z] Ch3ck_ I have to do a pull request in less than 2 hours