latest 20 messages by Crell

+ [2016-04-13T17:10:35Z] Crell I see a way to kick myself out to an outside collaborator, but that's more draconian than I want to go. :-) (Plus I want to make sure the org still has someone "in charge", just not me.)
+ [2016-04-13T17:10:08Z] Crell Hello. Is there a way for me to downgrade myself from a founder/owner of an organization to a reassignable owner?
+ [2015-03-19T19:35:22Z] Crell I'm getting an "Authentication failed" error from Travis, but it's not telling me what the actual issue is. Are there any logs on the GH side that I could review?
+ [2015-03-19T19:34:48Z] Crell OK, I am trying to use a GH token to push to a github repo from a Travis build.
+ [2015-03-19T16:05:56Z] Crell Poopy.
+ [2015-03-19T16:05:55Z] Crell So I can't do it in the git command itself? I have to do black magic in the ssh configuration?
+ [2015-03-19T15:57:13Z] Crell OK, then how do I use an alternate key for a git clone command?
+ [2015-03-19T15:47:05Z] Crell I don't think the virtual user has an ssh key at present...
+ [2015-03-19T15:46:53Z] Crell That's the part I'm trying to figure out. :-)
+ [2015-03-19T15:46:44Z] Crell As this alternate user, um…
+ [2015-03-19T15:46:35Z] Crell As my normal user, I have an ssh key setup.
+ [2015-03-19T15:45:42Z] Crell In the clone command?
+ [2015-03-19T15:42:24Z] Crell I'm setting up an automation account (non-human), and need to do some work "as" that user.
+ [2015-03-19T15:42:09Z] Crell Greetings. Is there a way to clone a given repo as an alternate user, not the user I am normally on this system?
+ [2015-03-19T01:30:57Z] Crell Thanks.
+ [2015-03-19T01:30:22Z] Crell Are TravisCI questions kosher here, or is there a separate channel?
+ [2015-03-19T01:28:24Z] Crell intropy: Go elsewhere to troll, please.
+ [2015-03-19T01:28:04Z] Crell So, for sufficiently small definitions of "maintained".
+ [2015-03-19T01:26:51Z] Crell It is?
+ [2015-03-19T01:25:47Z] Crell thinks we have a troll.