latest 20 messages by Dry_Lips

+ [2016-08-15T15:05:53Z] Dry_Lips yeah, that's basically the problem here... the "offset" need to be conditional on the existence of the post.highlight
+ [2016-08-15T15:04:37Z] Dry_Lips keekz: Yeah... jaybe is right that my sentence above missed an endfor, but it still doesn't work to do a "post.highlight" before the loop :-/
+ [2016-08-15T14:44:51Z] Dry_Lips "unknown tag 'endif'"
+ [2016-08-15T14:43:47Z] Dry_Lips jekyll returns an error message
+ [2016-08-15T14:43:36Z] Dry_Lips adding the if and endif, is the only alteration I did
+ [2016-08-15T14:43:24Z] Dry_Lips The following does not work: {% if post.highlight %}{% for post in paginator.posts offset: 1 %}{% endif %}
+ [2016-08-15T14:40:28Z] Dry_Lips keekz, yeah, but isn't a post statement called from inside a for loop? Can you use it as an if statement outside a loop?
+ [2016-08-15T14:25:45Z] Dry_Lips Any ideas?
+ [2016-08-15T14:25:20Z] Dry_Lips {% if post.highlight %} is usually called from within a forloop... But I need to make the offset conditional, depending on if "post.highlight" exists...
+ [2016-08-15T14:22:00Z] Dry_Lips {% for post in paginator.posts offset: 1 %}
+ [2016-08-15T14:21:57Z] Dry_Lips Is there a way to make the "offset" part conditional?
+ [2016-08-01T18:16:32Z] Dry_Lips miklb, well, I'm running into the same problem I had when I tried this on my own... The first post is repeated twice... :-/ The thing is that I somehow need to combine this with my preexisting code, and that's the tricky part
+ [2016-08-01T17:26:49Z] Dry_Lips miklb: awesome, I'll give it a try
+ [2016-08-01T17:11:50Z] Dry_Lips miklb, well, I'll give it a try :)
+ [2016-08-01T17:10:40Z] Dry_Lips Need to figure out how it works connected to this odd/even stuff
+ [2016-08-01T17:09:59Z] Dry_Lips miklb: I already use a {% if forloop.first %} statement in my code... I'm just not very good at this liquid stuff :P
+ [2016-08-01T17:01:58Z] Dry_Lips Or am I misunderstanding something here? :D
+ [2016-08-01T17:01:23Z] Dry_Lips miklb, yes, but at the moment I have to display all the posts on the front page, so that's unfortunately not an option... ;)
+ [2016-08-01T16:52:39Z] Dry_Lips I know it is possible to target odd/even items in for loops, I'm just not sure how to combine it with my existing liquid code
+ [2016-08-01T16:51:50Z] Dry_Lips Well, good questions... As I said I'm new to liquid, so I don't know the limitations of it