latest 7 messages by Fauve

+ [2016-10-03T00:41:44Z] Fauve I run it as normal user, not as root.
+ [2016-10-03T00:41:15Z] Fauve
+ [2016-10-03T00:41:07Z] Fauve But, when I run script/build -o ~/bin/hub, i get thisĀ :
+ [2016-10-03T00:40:53Z] Fauve I follow this documentation to install it
+ [2016-10-03T00:40:05Z] Fauve I have some problem to install hub under Debian:
+ [2016-10-03T00:39:55Z] Fauve Hello people o/
+ [2014-08-19T16:20:19Z] Fauve Hello people o/