latest 16 messages by Fernando-Basso

+ [2016-10-24T12:02:28Z] Fernando-Basso But I would rather not use plugins, since there is a chance that they stop being maintained.
+ [2016-10-24T12:01:22Z] Fernando-Basso I am still deciding about the i18n thing. This looks nice as well:
+ [2016-10-24T08:30:50Z] Fernando-Basso I'll also have to get used to it myself.
+ [2016-10-24T08:30:18Z] Fernando-Basso osfameron: I'll keep it around anyway :)
+ [2016-10-23T21:34:26Z] Fernando-Basso
+ [2016-10-23T21:33:49Z] Fernando-Basso I had an older version of a blog using jekyll-asciidoc. I think go with asciidoctor again.
+ [2016-10-23T21:33:12Z] Fernando-Basso osfameron: Asciidoctor docs say we should use one single logical line per paragraph (for several reasons).
+ [2016-10-23T21:15:21Z] Fernando-Basso And what is the advisable approach regarding long paragraph lines? Break them in the source code at a certain column?
+ [2016-10-23T20:55:33Z] Fernando-Basso Is there a standard way to do i18n?
+ [2016-10-22T10:39:08Z] Fernando-Basso
+ [2016-10-22T10:32:19Z] Fernando-Basso Where is the sources for
+ [2016-10-21T20:39:11Z] Fernando-Basso Is it known whether the jekyll-asciidoctor plugin is being reasonably widely used with jekyll? I