latest 7 messages by Glenjamin

+ [2015-09-29T22:06:45Z] Glenjamin has anyone ever seen an automated tool for managing github repositories creation/config in a declarative style?
+ [2015-08-23T15:03:46Z] Glenjamin but there's a decent chance they key is used for other things too
+ [2015-08-23T15:03:23Z] Glenjamin i don't think you can leverage an ssh key into logging into the website
+ [2015-08-23T11:02:49Z] Glenjamin if you click the "manual" link next to the merge button, it gives you instructions for making a local branch based off the PR
+ [2015-08-23T11:02:22Z] Glenjamin Kirito: your first 2 suggestions are the common approaches
+ [2015-08-21T12:25:34Z] Glenjamin a bit like CloudFormation, but for github projects
+ [2015-08-21T12:25:25Z] Glenjamin Hello, does anyone know if there's an API / API wrapper where I can say "These repositories should exist" in JSON (or similar), and it'll sync config?