latest 20 messages by Hyphen-ated

+ [2015-03-07T23:48:25Z] Hyphen-ated that sounds like the correct thing for it to say
+ [2015-03-07T23:45:30Z] Hyphen-ated that is step 1 before you can make a pull request, you have to have stuff to request
+ [2015-03-07T23:45:19Z] Hyphen-ated you should have committed changes on your fork already, in a new branch
+ [2015-03-07T23:45:07Z] Hyphen-ated you shouldnt be editing any files
+ [2015-03-07T23:43:09Z] Hyphen-ated go to your project and click "new pull request"
+ [2015-03-07T23:42:49Z] Hyphen-ated make a new pull request that asks to merge your changes into the original project
+ [2015-03-07T23:40:53Z] Hyphen-ated make a new pull request that asks to merge your changes into the original project
+ [2015-03-07T23:40:15Z] Hyphen-ated that is right. but when you pull requested there are options to set
+ [2015-03-07T23:39:36Z] Hyphen-ated that button says "yes, i want to take these changes into my project". uhhh the fact that you can see it probably means you did the pull request wrong. did you make the pull request into your own fork instead of the original?
+ [2015-03-07T23:37:35Z] Hyphen-ated it is asking (requesting) someone to pull your changes into their project
+ [2015-03-05T11:04:19Z] Hyphen-ated ok, so keep a branch of the old version
+ [2015-03-05T10:56:35Z] Hyphen-ated just use regular clone. but i dont really understand why you want to clone at all. why not just make a tag for the historical version you're interested in having
+ [2015-03-05T10:07:00Z] Hyphen-ated it aint github summer of code is it
+ [2015-03-04T11:41:32Z] Hyphen-ated -- goes after master doesnt it
+ [2015-03-02T01:15:14Z] Hyphen-ated what do you mean the tutorial fails
+ [2015-03-02T01:14:55Z] Hyphen-ated syncing with two repos is fine, you just have two remotes
+ [2015-03-02T01:10:36Z] Hyphen-ated although that would only make a difference if you're specifying what to compare against explicitly, which you probably arent so nevermind
+ [2015-03-02T01:09:42Z] Hyphen-ated is it possible you are working from a different starting point than the master branch you're currently comparing against? try git log and see if the last commit before your work is the same as what you think it should be
+ [2015-03-02T00:57:31Z] Hyphen-ated also it sounds like its not even his project? so maybe the maintainers didnt set up their gitignore properly
+ [2015-03-02T00:56:40Z] Hyphen-ated thats why i brought up the possibility