latest 14 messages by J_128

+ [2017-03-12T23:36:08Z] J_128 lemonlake: Okay, Thanks! Bye!
+ [2017-03-12T23:25:11Z] J_128 Hi, just a quick question: I feel like an idiot, but how do i remove a repository?
+ [2016-06-22T22:45:21Z] J_128 Bye!
+ [2016-06-22T22:44:29Z] J_128 Okay, thanks. I was just wondering, because every GitHub repo I've seen is source files. Thanks!
+ [2016-06-22T22:38:02Z] J_128 Does that actually answer my question? I don't think so. :|
+ [2016-06-22T22:32:54Z] J_128 Am I only allowed to put source files on my GitHub repo, or could I put, say, some .blend files on?
+ [2016-06-21T22:22:08Z] J_128 gitinfo: Thanks! I found what I needed. I'll have to remember `git push origin master`. :) Thanks for the help!
+ [2016-06-21T22:14:02Z] J_128 Can someone help me?
+ [2016-06-21T21:45:53Z] J_128 Okay, so I cloned my repo, added a subdirectory on my local copy, and to that subdir, added 2 files. So how do I upload my changes to my repo? (Sorry, I'm totally new to git and github :P)
+ [2016-06-21T21:23:53Z] J_128 Okay, so I cloned my repo, added a subdirectory on my local copy, and to that subdir, added 2 files. So how do I upload my changes to my repo? (Sorry, I'm totally new to git and github :P)
+ [2016-06-19T00:08:49Z] J_128 Bye! (By the way, I have a thirty seconds policy. I don't quit until thirty seconds have passed since I said 'Bye' :-) )
+ [2016-06-19T00:07:10Z] J_128 Peng: Thanks!
+ [2016-06-19T00:00:53Z] J_128 all: Is there a way to DELETE my github account?
+ [2016-06-18T23:58:50Z] J_128 Is there a way to DELETE my github account?