latest 20 messages by LastWhisper____

+ [2016-04-11T20:55:14Z] LastWhisper____
+ [2016-04-11T20:53:02Z] LastWhisper____ In fact, the comments that are showing up are the ones on files in the PR; Not that actual "Conversation" comments, which is what I'm interested in
+ [2016-04-11T20:50:50Z] LastWhisper____ I'm not 100% sure yet if it's just giving me the actual PR comments, or the commit comments
+ [2016-04-11T20:50:36Z] LastWhisper____ I am not getting the total number of comments on that PR
+ [2016-04-11T20:50:28Z] LastWhisper____ when I do a get with octokit on pull_request_comments(reponame, number)
+ [2016-04-11T20:50:10Z] LastWhisper____ hey guys I'm running into an issue with github API
+ [2016-04-07T19:39:26Z] LastWhisper____ Is there a way to find the total number of pages when you get back the .pull_requests
+ [2016-04-07T19:38:59Z] LastWhisper____ but I'm hittin the rate limit pretty fast
+ [2016-04-07T19:38:52Z] LastWhisper____ I'm writing a small reporting script, to go through all of my private repos PRs that are merged, and iterate through the comments to see when the first comment was made saying @org/code-reviewers, and what the merged_at time was
+ [2016-04-07T19:34:25Z] LastWhisper____ Is anyone here familiar with the github API?