latest 6 messages by Lirux

+ [2016-02-20T10:30:41Z] Lirux sim642, great thanks. btw, is there any naming convention for branches? like using underscores as separators or other stuff?
+ [2016-02-20T10:25:47Z] Lirux When I want to make a pull request and I edit a file in a forked repo, should I make the change on master or different branch?
+ [2015-04-01T10:01:24Z] Lirux I want it to sync when I git pull on my laptop
+ [2015-04-01T10:01:12Z] Lirux lets say I've changed something on my desktop config that should also apply to my laptop
+ [2015-04-01T10:00:52Z] Lirux hcwool, I talk more about applying the changes
+ [2015-04-01T09:59:15Z] Lirux What is the best way of managing dotfiles of desktop and laptop which differ a little (font sizes, shortcuts etc..)? Branch for every machine?