latest 12 messages by Mike11

+ [2017-04-22T21:47:15Z] Mike11 preaction, cool, thanks for your time :D
+ [2017-04-22T21:46:06Z] Mike11 mmmm, I get you, the script options sounds good. Is there any example script I can look at to get some inspiration?
+ [2017-04-22T21:43:41Z] Mike11 is there anyway to make gh-pages branch update automatically whenever I push new source code into my repo? or am I supposed to run doxygen manually from time to time?
+ [2017-04-22T21:42:45Z] Mike11 preaction, I am sorry if my questions sound stupid, I am just trying to do it the right way :)
+ [2017-04-22T21:42:03Z] Mike11 and then should I put a link to my pages site in my
+ [2017-04-22T21:40:16Z] Mike11 I will use doxygen to write documentation in my source code. but where should I put output HTML pages?
+ [2017-04-22T21:39:27Z] Mike11 should I go with github pages or write a wiki?
+ [2017-04-22T21:39:04Z] Mike11 I have written a library in Qt/C++, I am about to write documentation for it now. What is the best way to do it on github currently?
+ [2017-04-22T21:38:06Z] Mike11 Hello all :)
+ [2017-03-22T11:48:45Z] Mike11 Also, can you point to some examples that exist on github? ( I am only asking about the project management / version control process )
+ [2017-03-22T11:47:27Z] Mike11 I am about to write an android application ( Java / Android Framework ) with a webservice (PHP). Should I put both of them in the same repo on github? Or should I have each one in a separate repo?
+ [2017-03-22T11:45:50Z] Mike11 Hello all