latest 8 messages by NaN

+ [2017-02-17T01:51:21Z] NaN I did a commit and I was on master but didn't want to commit to master so I did $git reset HEAD~1 and now my changes are gone; do I still have a chance?
+ [2016-09-22T23:22:42Z] NaN is it possible to see stash in github-desktop?
+ [2016-09-22T23:22:19Z] NaN hi there
+ [2016-09-01T18:34:35Z] NaN it's good but lacks some power functions
+ [2016-09-01T18:34:22Z] NaN I'll use the app only for visual diff
+ [2016-09-01T18:33:52Z] NaN apetresc: that check it's only to add or don't for commit
+ [2016-09-01T18:01:01Z] NaN yo guys, how can I stage from github-desktop app?
+ [2016-08-29T23:05:32Z] NaN you guys, I can't find how to see my stash list from the github desktop app, any clue?