latest 3 messages by VG234

+ [2019-06-04T23:59:07Z] VG234 On the main github page -> Pull requests -> review requests, is there a way to query this infomation from the command line or from the API? I've looked at PyGithub, but to get the requests I need to poll through all the repos. Is it possible to get just the information contained on that page, at a given time?
+ [2019-04-06T11:29:34Z] VG234 I'm trying to separate work and personal github accounts. My personal account contains my organization. I want a separate account using my organization email as login. If I try to create the new account with the organization email, it logs me into my personal account. How can I separate them?
+ [2019-03-23T14:08:50Z] VG234 I just install the gh command line tool installing both github and json through gems. When I type gh network list in the git repo, my terminal gives back unexpected document type <DOCUMENT_TYPE>. Is this an issue with the term? Do I need something like elinks to view gh output in the terminal?