latest 4 messages by WalkinBot

+ [2017-01-30T18:50:56Z] WalkinBot Hey! I've been looking at multi blog pages but I wasn't able to make this work. I would like to have a page for each category (similar to this: ) instead of something like this: . I have found many tutorials to get the second working. For the first one the only option I've found is to manually create a page for each category, but I was hoping to have them being
+ [2017-01-30T18:50:56Z] WalkinBot automaticly done so that when I add a new category I don't need to create a new html page for it
+ [2017-01-30T15:50:22Z] WalkinBot Hey! I've been looking at multi blog pages but I wasn't able to make this work. I would like to have a page for each category (similar to this: ) instead of something like this: . I have found many tutorials to get the second working. For the first one the only option I've found is to manually create a page for each category, but I was hoping to have them being
+ [2017-01-30T15:50:22Z] WalkinBot automaticly done so that when I add a new category I don't need to create a new html page for it.