latest 20 messages by Wzup

+ [2017-02-23T20:05:50Z] Wzup When I write git status, I should have this msg: Not currently on any branch. nothing to commit (working directory clean
+ [2017-02-23T20:02:35Z] Wzup So I must delete the files
+ [2017-02-23T20:00:42Z] Wzup but stil connected to something
+ [2017-02-23T19:59:58Z] Wzup now im head detachaed at xxxx
+ [2017-02-23T19:57:48Z] Wzup but i dont want to
+ [2017-02-23T19:57:45Z] Wzup yes im on a branch
+ [2017-02-23T19:52:10Z] Wzup im supposed to not be on any branch xD
+ [2017-02-23T19:52:02Z] Wzup man it doesnt matter what i do, im always on a branch
+ [2017-02-23T19:51:52Z] Wzup in terminal
+ [2017-02-23T19:50:19Z] Wzup Aight, is there anyway to see all my repositorys?
+ [2017-02-23T19:47:13Z] Wzup ye think so. I should restart. Is there anyway to delete everything I did with git command?
+ [2017-02-23T19:41:59Z] Wzup Like I said before, this msg should pop up when I do git status> Not currently on any branch. nothing to commit (working directory clean)
+ [2017-02-23T19:41:25Z] Wzup Isnt it possible to not be attached to any branch?
+ [2017-02-23T19:33:43Z] Wzup aollier: But then I will stil be on a new branch?
+ [2017-02-23T19:10:00Z] Wzup but whatever I do I always end up beeing connected to master
+ [2017-02-23T19:09:44Z] Wzup I want everything to be "cut off". as this msg says: Not currently on any branch. nothing to commit (working directory clean)
+ [2017-02-23T19:07:26Z] Wzup I tried creating a temp branch and delete it but then I'm stil on master
+ [2017-02-23T19:07:05Z] Wzup git checkout
+ [2017-02-23T19:05:25Z] Wzup yes its empty
+ [2017-02-23T19:05:12Z] Wzup aollier: I'm cloning something and after i checked it out I need to remove all the bbranches so I get that mssg