latest 20 messages by acetakwas

+ [2016-07-29T13:49:48Z] acetakwas Zarthus:: Thanks.
+ [2016-07-29T12:14:38Z] acetakwas Besides, there are some things I may not be technically correct about.
+ [2016-07-29T12:14:18Z] acetakwas I'm guessing I shouldn't just merge PRs because I feel they are okay.
+ [2016-07-29T12:13:59Z] acetakwas I'm managing a Github project. What are some points to consider as a workflow?
+ [2016-06-20T11:01:07Z] acetakwas Seveas:: Thanks
+ [2016-06-20T09:25:13Z] acetakwas What does this line mean: `git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master`
+ [2016-06-18T14:38:21Z] acetakwas But the web address: does not work
+ [2016-06-18T14:37:55Z] acetakwas Hello I have a gh-pages site here:
+ [2016-06-01T16:58:39Z] acetakwas Do wiki changes go live immediately or are they reviewed?
+ [2016-06-01T16:58:20Z] acetakwas rom1504:: Okay
+ [2016-06-01T16:35:08Z] acetakwas I am saying I need the repo to auto redirect to the wiki
+ [2016-06-01T16:34:52Z] acetakwas rom1504:: I know pushing a repo works
+ [2016-06-01T16:24:27Z] acetakwas Is it even possible?
+ [2016-06-01T16:24:22Z] acetakwas I want it so that when I visit the git repo, it automatically goes to the wiki.
+ [2016-06-01T16:23:56Z] acetakwas rom1504:: Doesn't work
+ [2016-06-01T16:16:02Z] acetakwas rom1504:: How please?
+ [2016-06-01T16:12:43Z] acetakwas The purpose of the entire repo is for its wiki