latest 20 messages by albedoa

+ [2017-05-05T15:57:51Z] albedoa hello! is there any way to refer to the `path` from a scope? or do i need to be redundant as i'm doing here?
+ [2017-04-26T18:37:52Z] albedoa thanks preaction !
+ [2017-04-26T18:37:50Z] albedoa oh duh i didn't scroll down
+ [2017-04-26T18:32:26Z] albedoa hello! i'd like to see the code for this. is it only accessible through npm? (and does npm offer online viewing of source files?)
+ [2017-04-26T14:54:31Z] albedoa allejo thank you
+ [2017-04-26T13:53:21Z] albedoa i guess could use a buttload of placeholders
+ [2017-04-26T13:51:29Z] albedoa i gues my question boils down to: is jekyll sass able to extend a selector without importing a file
+ [2017-04-26T13:38:33Z] albedoa i drew out my question. hope it makes sense. thanks!
+ [2017-04-26T13:18:43Z] albedoa second should say /site2/ heh
+ [2017-04-26T13:18:29Z] albedoa for instance /site1/css/style.scss extends base.scss and /site1/css/style.scss does the same, each able to extend the original, but the original isn't duplicated in the final _site build
+ [2017-04-26T13:17:01Z] albedoa hello! i am looking to extend a base.scss file from multiple other .scss files without duplicating the code. is there a Jekyll way to do that?
+ [2017-04-25T21:01:50Z] albedoa hello! having trouble googling his one: is there an out-of-the-box way of dynamically linking stylesheets in an _include file (header) on a per-page basis? or is the jekyll way to split it into either different heads or different projects?
+ [2017-02-16T23:00:23Z] albedoa and style.scss would have @import 'theme_style.scss';
+ [2017-02-16T23:00:06Z] albedoa so your css folder would have _theme_style.scss and style.scss
+ [2017-02-16T22:58:59Z] albedoa unless i'm missing something
+ [2017-02-16T22:58:46Z] albedoa then import it into your own scss file
+ [2017-02-16T22:58:34Z] albedoa change the theme scss to "_style.scss" or whatever with a leading underscore
+ [2017-02-16T22:56:24Z] albedoa maybe using sass's "import"
+ [2017-02-16T22:56:04Z] albedoa i don't use themes so i'm not sure
+ [2017-02-16T22:55:22Z] albedoa anyway...sorry i can't help. from the barebones scaffolding you can create your own .scss file with the front matter and it should work