latest 20 messages by cousteau

+ [2020-02-07T11:54:47Z] cousteau I guess some user-agent trickery
+ [2020-02-07T11:54:24Z] cousteau Hi! What's in ? I would guess it's some sort of config file with git info that the git command can read, but whenever I try to download it it just redirects me to the Github HTML webpage of the project
+ [2020-01-15T19:46:26Z] cousteau Now THIS is weird. See picorv32.v in that list? Well, that's the file being erroneously identified as Coq when you open it in github
+ [2020-01-15T19:41:22Z] cousteau wonders why didn't they name the files .coq ... then again Verilog hadn't been around that long when Coq was invented, and probably nobody expected a case where both would be used simultaneously
+ [2020-01-15T19:34:28Z] cousteau (also for Assembly)
+ [2020-01-15T19:34:12Z] cousteau OK so if I click Coq in this repo I don't get any results, huh??
+ [2020-01-15T19:31:59Z] cousteau So yeah no idea how the people who program Coq to Verilog compilers sleep at night
+ [2020-01-15T19:31:25Z] cousteau
+ [2020-01-15T19:29:11Z] cousteau I think "vernacular" :|
+ [2020-01-15T19:27:38Z] cousteau (you would think no project uses BOTH Verilog and Coq, but then you would be wrong.)
+ [2020-01-15T19:26:57Z] cousteau I heard of it but I can't remember
+ [2020-01-15T19:25:09Z] cousteau Ah, .gitattributes thanks!
+ [2020-01-15T19:24:53Z] cousteau Project is cliffordwolf/picorv32 (not mine)
+ [2020-01-15T19:23:57Z] cousteau Also the project info says it uses 20% Coq, but it's all actually Verilog
+ [2020-01-15T19:23:14Z] cousteau Hi! How does Github know how to highlight files? It seems to have incorrectly detected a Verilog file as Coq (both use .v extensions)
+ [2017-01-09T19:34:39Z] cousteau accepts his own PR
+ [2017-01-09T19:30:46Z] cousteau ah wait, I can make a pull request from the original project to mine
+ [2017-01-09T19:28:22Z] cousteau tobiasvl, can that be done from the web interface?
+ [2017-01-09T19:28:02Z] cousteau If I create a new branch, it makes a copy of master, which is out of date