latest 20 messages by crocket

+ [2015-04-17T04:44:55Z] crocket I think we shouldn't spam this channel with off-topic chatters any longer.
+ [2015-04-17T04:44:40Z] crocket stanreg, Would you come to #ai?
+ [2015-04-17T04:44:19Z] crocket stanreg, At least, I care how beautiful a girl is a lot.
+ [2015-04-17T04:43:19Z] crocket stanreg, I can't afford volatility and variability that come from choosing a girl friend among people whom I don't know very well based on how they look.
+ [2015-04-17T04:42:37Z] crocket Ok, I have been off-topic for too long.
+ [2015-04-17T04:42:12Z] crocket I thought github would provide a good career opportunty, but missed it this time.
+ [2015-04-17T04:41:45Z] crocket 90% of full-time jobs are bad for careers.
+ [2015-04-17T04:40:30Z] crocket So are girl friends and wives...
+ [2015-04-17T04:40:13Z] crocket Full-time employments are very toxic to my career.
+ [2015-04-17T04:39:40Z] crocket A startup is not an end in itself.
+ [2015-04-17T04:38:59Z] crocket I may use software bounties or other freelancing software activities to fund my bills.
+ [2015-04-17T04:38:35Z] crocket After learning machine learning, I'll found a startup, and I want to draw things as hobby.
+ [2015-04-17T04:37:50Z] crocket just like other humans do.
+ [2015-04-17T04:37:43Z] crocket I have an open-ended goal system.
+ [2015-04-17T04:37:24Z] crocket stanreg, I don't have a specific dream, but I have goals that change over time.
+ [2015-04-17T04:32:21Z] crocket However, if it pays decently and pays a lot more than the time cost, why not do it?
+ [2015-04-17T04:31:20Z] crocket HTML tables
+ [2015-04-17T04:31:14Z] crocket Some people pay you 400$ for using tables for layout.
+ [2015-04-17T04:30:53Z] crocket It pays bills, but you feel stupid by fixing non-bugs...
+ [2015-04-17T04:30:37Z] crocket There are also 400$ bugs that're easy to fix, but those bugs arise from lousy developers.