latest 13 messages by daFonseca

+ [2016-06-18T09:01:12Z] daFonseca so this Github for windows application willnot try to created another accout, then a can sign in with my alredy created (in webpage) account
+ [2016-06-18T08:58:33Z] daFonseca got Github for windowns application
+ [2016-06-18T08:57:10Z] daFonseca when the Github that i downloaded try to open a account?
+ [2016-06-18T08:56:52Z] daFonseca whould be a account conflit?
+ [2016-06-18T08:56:36Z] daFonseca then a realise that i have already a account
+ [2016-06-18T08:56:26Z] daFonseca I start then with suting my name and e-mail up, like the book say...
+ [2016-06-18T08:56:03Z] daFonseca and they recomended to download the github for better work and offline work (I think) and for backup
+ [2016-06-18T08:55:00Z] daFonseca I have created a account un github, then i have start to read the manual from github, the freebook
+ [2016-06-18T08:54:27Z] daFonseca maybe I dont have yet... I need to understand the question first. I will try:
+ [2016-06-18T08:52:02Z] daFonseca you guys help hypernoob too?