latest 20 messages by enginpost

+ [2019-03-30T21:01:07Z] enginpost how do I dynamically change // to //localhost:3000 when I am running jekyll serve
+ [2019-03-30T21:00:25Z] enginpost my site uses https, and my image paths are at //
+ [2019-03-19T19:58:45Z] enginpost how do I pass a custom parameter/token to a custom Jekyll::block like {% popup_block class="someClass" %}click here{% endpopup_block%}
+ [2019-03-19T19:26:46Z] enginpost does anyone have experience with creating ruby liquid::block modules?
+ [2019-03-19T19:25:52Z] enginpost but I would prefer it look more like {% popup {"caption":"The Results","callback":"modalLookup, "target":""} %}click here {% endpopup %}
+ [2019-03-19T19:23:53Z] enginpost for example with my include, the markup looks like...{% include tag.popup.html hypertext="click here" caption="Results" callback="modalLookup" target="" %}
+ [2019-03-19T19:22:57Z] enginpost I am familiar with how to template HTML in Jekyll liquid using includes but I am looking to understand how to create a customizable block that can also take parameter inputs. If I can post some stuff, would anyone be able to take a look and give me some quick advice?
+ [2019-03-19T14:28:37Z] enginpost is there help somewhere that shows the practices around writing a ruby component that hooks into the Jekyll build process?
+ [2019-03-19T14:28:03Z] enginpost any thoughts?
+ [2019-03-19T14:27:20Z] enginpost but I was hoping there might be another trick
+ [2019-03-19T14:27:06Z] enginpost maybe I need to learn Ruby so I can write something on build that looks through the pages collection and renders a shortURL version of the pages with no content but the preview metadata and the redirect
+ [2019-03-19T14:26:18Z] enginpost that should work
+ [2019-03-19T14:26:16Z] enginpost to the longer URL
+ [2019-03-19T14:26:10Z] enginpost so my thought was, what if I could render a "version" of my blog posts that had the metadata for page previews AND had a meta redirect
+ [2019-03-19T14:25:07Z] enginpost my dilemma is that javascript redirects, while they work, don't work with twitter and facebook for page previews
+ [2019-03-19T14:24:28Z] enginpost the short URL is
+ [2019-03-19T14:24:02Z] enginpost so if my blog post is
+ [2019-03-19T14:23:17Z] enginpost then I connected a second domain name at that subfolder
+ [2019-03-19T14:23:01Z] enginpost then in a subfolder on my site I created a single page that looks through the pages collection to find that page and uses a javascript redirect to send them to the long page
+ [2019-03-19T14:22:21Z] enginpost Jaybe: what I ended up doing was creating a frontmatter that held a shortUrl value