latest 20 messages by erebel55

+ [2019-04-28T20:27:41Z] erebel55 For some reason I can't figure out how to open a PR against a forked repo on GitHub today. I must be really tired. But when I go to set the base repo to my forked one it isn't there. It is a private fork, but I'm confused.
+ [2016-06-10T15:39:54Z] erebel55 ahh it looks like fetching goes off of ID
+ [2016-06-10T15:38:50Z] erebel55 would I fetch it?
+ [2016-06-10T15:37:54Z] erebel55 but what if I want to merge the PR into a clone of master that I already have?
+ [2016-06-10T15:37:35Z] erebel55 git clone -b release /UE4SteamAuth
+ [2016-06-10T15:37:33Z] erebel55 Zarthus, so I ended up cloning that PR fine with this
+ [2016-06-10T12:34:23Z] erebel55 thanks jhass
+ [2016-06-10T12:34:16Z] erebel55 got it :)
+ [2016-06-10T12:33:09Z] erebel55 so the branch name is just release
+ [2016-06-10T12:33:02Z] erebel55 but still doesn't help me write this clone
+ [2016-06-10T12:32:52Z] erebel55 that makes sense
+ [2016-06-10T12:31:11Z] erebel55 pull/2135
+ [2016-06-10T12:31:06Z] erebel55 I also tried
+ [2016-06-10T12:29:05Z] erebel55 the simple stuff :/
+ [2016-06-10T12:22:34Z] erebel55
+ [2016-06-10T12:22:31Z] erebel55 yeah, I'm still not seeing where to get the correct syntax for the branch
+ [2016-06-10T12:16:04Z] erebel55 okay, so Scienziatogm:release
+ [2016-06-10T12:15:07Z] erebel55 hm okay where do I find the branch name then?