latest 11 messages by famubu

+ [2020-06-21T10:50:53Z] famubu jhass: Okay, thanks.
+ [2020-06-21T10:23:17Z] famubu I have a branch which was merged to master. After while I noticed a bug in it and fixed it. Should I commit to the same branch (with which the original PR was made) or should I make a new PR?
+ [2020-06-19T17:55:41Z] famubu jhass: +1
+ [2020-06-19T17:19:22Z] famubu okay.
+ [2020-06-19T17:16:59Z] famubu Soliton: only the maintainer contributed during the GPL period. Would it be okay then? This is the project
+ [2020-06-19T17:07:49Z] famubu jhass: You mean we got to mark the licenses inside the code? That does sound messy.
+ [2020-06-19T16:58:00Z] famubu And would both licenses be mentioned in the repo (MIT and LGPL) then? Only the maintainer contributed during the GPL period.
+ [2020-06-19T16:57:25Z] famubu jhass: Okay. I get it.
+ [2020-06-19T16:47:15Z] famubu And I didn't realize it was that easy to change license.
+ [2020-06-19T16:46:51Z] famubu I came across a project that was forked from a now unmaintained one. The fork chose to change the license from the original's MIT to GPL. A couple of weeks later, I found that the license had changed once again to LGPL. I was curious and would it be rude to ask the project maintainer for the reasons for this change? In a github issue, perhaps?
+ [2020-06-17T09:33:14Z] famubu How can I use images in my readme filewithout explicitly including it in my repo?