latest 20 messages by gregorycu

+ [2015-01-18T01:52:34Z] gregorycu
+ [2015-01-18T01:52:32Z] gregorycu If anyone could take a look, and let me know what I should be doing now, i would be very grateful
+ [2015-01-18T01:51:39Z] gregorycu I obviously did something very wrong
+ [2015-01-18T01:51:24Z] gregorycu My PR now contains 9 commits, instead of 4
+ [2015-01-18T01:51:05Z] gregorycu So, I followed the instructions on how to rebase, and now there are superfluous commits
+ [2015-01-12T12:39:51Z] gregorycu Or is file hashing deterministic on something other than file content?
+ [2015-01-12T12:39:24Z] gregorycu What of the pigeonhole principle?
+ [2015-01-12T12:38:47Z] gregorycu So, git uses hashes
+ [2015-01-12T12:33:21Z] gregorycu Excellent, train reading material
+ [2015-01-12T12:32:30Z] gregorycu Thanks for your help luto
+ [2015-01-12T12:31:34Z] gregorycu I come from TFS land, where you have branches, and that's it
+ [2015-01-12T12:31:22Z] gregorycu Ok, this is starting to make more sense to me
+ [2015-01-12T12:31:05Z] gregorycu Or rather the repo
+ [2015-01-12T12:30:56Z] gregorycu But branches have a child relationship to the "fork"
+ [2015-01-12T12:28:14Z] gregorycu Is that an accurate statement?
+ [2015-01-12T12:28:07Z] gregorycu One is not a parent of the other
+ [2015-01-12T12:27:53Z] gregorycu One last question, because you are indulging me, the original and the fork, there is nothing special about the original is there? I mean, the fork and it are conceptually brothers?
+ [2015-01-12T12:25:04Z] gregorycu Ok, I suppose today I've learnt that branches and forks are different