latest 20 messages by ilyaigpetrov

+ [2017-05-30T16:10:26Z] ilyaigpetrov I want my app to show the latest comment under an issue. Unauthed requests should be enough, because each client has his own IP. Buy I may go for authed requests -- will 5000 be counted per my github company account (not per API as unauthed)?
+ [2017-02-23T16:42:28Z] ilyaigpetrov or maybe syntax is the same, I don't know
+ [2017-02-23T16:42:17Z] ilyaigpetrov kingarmadillo: if you can't find branded-product-to-branded-product tool, try searching wiki-syntax-1-to-wiki-syntax-2 converters
+ [2017-02-23T14:53:28Z] ilyaigpetrov how to turn off graphical emojis in GitHub markdown?
+ [2017-02-23T14:53:10Z] ilyaigpetrov kingarmadillo: copypaste?
+ [2017-02-11T08:40:57Z] ilyaigpetrov stackoverflow has a nice thin black nav strip
+ [2017-02-11T08:28:47Z] ilyaigpetrov mniip: it means we are pirates, they have given us black flags
+ [2017-02-11T08:24:25Z] ilyaigpetrov oh noooo, I'm dooomed
+ [2017-02-11T08:22:10Z] ilyaigpetrov I worry, this black color feels like a black mark
+ [2017-02-11T08:21:29Z] ilyaigpetrov does anyone have new interface?
+ [2017-02-11T08:20:17Z] ilyaigpetrov I have noticed the dark interface
+ [2017-01-02T00:05:08Z] ilyaigpetrov Sayona: clone repository to some folder, it will create .git for you, then move your files inside crated dir and add/commit/push
+ [2017-01-01T23:35:24Z] ilyaigpetrov there is "Adding an existing project..."
+ [2017-01-01T23:34:43Z] ilyaigpetrov Sayona:
+ [2017-01-01T23:13:35Z] ilyaigpetrov Sayona: sorry, it's not clear what problem you face
+ [2017-01-01T21:29:32Z] ilyaigpetrov ok, then I need blobs + commits that reference them
+ [2017-01-01T21:28:32Z] ilyaigpetrov
+ [2017-01-01T21:28:15Z] ilyaigpetrov preaction: If I upload new blobs without making commits -- will these blobs be deleted by GitHub after some time?
+ [2017-01-01T21:27:07Z] ilyaigpetrov preaction: I want to do it via GitHub API, not a bash script, because my server scripts work on Google App Scripts stack
+ [2017-01-01T21:25:17Z] ilyaigpetrov well, I may use blobs to store files on GH without commits, but I wonder whether they may be GCed to save space