latest 3 messages by inflames

+ [2016-02-26T01:00:59Z] inflames technicalpickles, the main project is 'passport-local-mongoose' it's still active, his fork (passport-local-mongoose-email) added email verification token support, but it's old, out dated and by most reasonable standards, broken and abandoned. so i forked it and implemented his changes from his fork into 'passport-local-mongoose' and am stuck as to my current dilemma
+ [2016-02-25T23:17:55Z] inflames into his project, it's basically a complete rewrite of his)
+ [2016-02-25T23:17:54Z] inflames there is a project that has fallen out of sync with the project it was forked from and subsequently basically abandoned, i rewrote the fork via the main project and am debating giving it the same name as his in an attempt to replace his, even if it's a lot more work, do you guys think out of respect for the original fork i should fork his, make the changes and issue a pull request to him? (the changes would not really merge