latest 9 messages by j0n3

+ [2015-02-25T12:51:08Z] j0n3 Sorry for this noise, a noob here :(
+ [2015-02-25T12:50:33Z] j0n3 ah, I see... now you have to use jekyll to preview your work
+ [2015-02-25T12:40:19Z] j0n3 I have updated gems and now octopress commands run smoothly fast :S
+ [2015-02-25T12:22:30Z] j0n3 and what about the preview? Doesn't it exist yet?
+ [2015-02-25T12:18:29Z] j0n3 I'm just testing this new octopress 3 gem without success :(
+ [2015-02-25T12:17:11Z] j0n3 also, octopress init creates scaffolding folders but not any other file like config or anything
+ [2015-02-25T11:18:38Z] j0n3 it uses 99% CPU for around 30 seconds response wait
+ [2015-02-25T11:17:09Z] j0n3 Do you know why octopress3 commands runs slow?
+ [2015-01-21T20:34:57Z] j0n3 I can't connect from the network to preview, but it works locally... I'm using debian. Do you have any clue?