latest 10 messages by juanonymous

+ [2020-07-06T11:48:52Z] juanonymous What's a page? Is it for github devs
+ [2017-05-10T17:11:35Z] juanonymous I mean sell what you can do with it. Ok, thanks again.
+ [2017-05-10T17:07:28Z] juanonymous Ah so it's ok to sell MIT licensing but authors will not be liable for any damages.
+ [2017-05-10T16:49:08Z] juanonymous I mean is there a way to import databases to jekyll?
+ [2017-05-10T16:45:36Z] juanonymous So jekyll focus only on static pages, it is not possible to add dynamic content on it?
+ [2017-05-10T16:20:35Z] juanonymous Or put database on it?
+ [2017-05-10T16:20:03Z] juanonymous How do i add, dynamic content to jekyll?